Silence (I) (2002)
Statute of Limitations on Silence of the Lambs.....please
1 December 2005
I have read several of the other comments, as I try to be fair. For the most part, if a Lifetime Movie has talented actors, but a boring plot, it may still be viewable; and vice versa; This movie has neither. You will become instantly bored as you watch Kristy Swanson pretending to be a psychiatrist (that's right, folks) and you can visually see HOW HARD it is for her to try and re-enact Jodi Foster's superb performance in "Silence of the Lambs".

I for one am tired of these is over 12 years, and we still see lame copies; give the audience a break; this is Ämerican cable; we are not COMPLETE IMBECILES. Some of us don't ëven watch "CSI".....Also, I am not an incidental music expert, but I was hysterically laughing when Kristy Swanson faces the killer through the jail cell, and the ominous classical music starts playing; Writers of this show should be paying royalties to Jonathan Demme; his camera/directorial and sound techniques are used once again......but they are not utilizing a viable story plot or decent actors, to portray the message....I am sure many film enthusiasts will agree.
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