Bad Taste (1987)
Why it's good
19 December 2005
I very recently viewed Bad Taste. The only thing that drew me to this, like many people, was the fact that it is Peter Jacksons first feature film, and I'm a fan of him not even from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but from King Kong.

You have probably heard a lot about how Bad Taste is amazing, but i'm here to set the record straight, in my mind anyway.

The fact is: it is good for certain things. This certainly doesn't rank among the best films ever made, but as far as low budget horror films go, I'd imagine this is one of the best.

At first, after near-puking, I thought "this movie is just disgusting," then I realized that was the point of it. But still, thats not what I find appealing about it.

I'm an aspiring film director, and I've got a friend Australia writing a screenplay for me, so this movie is inspiration for me, because of the way it is made. It took Peter Jackson four years to make this film, the reason being he could only shoot on weekends, and his friends that were helping him weren't as dedicated as he was. It was done on an extremely low budget, but despite the current going against him, it got to some film festivals, was released in a good number of theatres, and won him fame and an eventual Academy Award.

So, for everyone, this is a imaginative film, that shows if you know how, and you have the means, to make a movie, there is a way, no matter how long it will take
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