The Lone Ranger (2003 TV Movie)
Hoaky? Gawd Yes!! Lousy? Just great to see the theme revisited.
28 December 2005
Listen - up. Some of us have waited for the Western Genre to have a comeback ~ and hopefully more historically correct for Natives and Blacks. This was far from even a hint of come-back but it was SOMETHING WESTERN at least! Let's face it. The original was hoaky too. And corny and all of that. It had all the earmarks of Hollywood of the time ~ as in hoof beats on a hollow sound-stage floor, phoney back-drops, the same local scene re-used ad nausium. Jay Silverheels and CLayton Moore were as stiff and wooden and un-western as Luke and Nathaniel in this 'younger years' version. LOL Don't take it seriously, i mean it has a modern rock soundtrack and machine sewn pin-strip shirts for gawds sake ha ha ha ... just sit back and enjoy the tale and the nostalgic trip to your childhood if you're old enough. It's a fun made-for-TV-movie that is surely DVD worthy perhaps with a few of the half hour originals as as Special Features And Interviews with both cast of old and new.
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