Seriously sexist science fiction
8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Queen of Outer Space starts out well enough, for a 1950s sci-fi flick. A bunch of nicely scientific dialog makes you think that this is a serious science fiction movie - until the Venusian women appear. From then on, only conservative, nigh-misogynist, women-belong-in-kitchens types of people will enjoy this movie. Get this: the queen is basically evil because she is ugly (but her face is hidden beneath a mask, so the male protagonists at first believe her as beautiful as all the others). And the guy she likes won't have her because of her hideously fire-scarred face - and the movie clearly shows that this is perfectly okay and understandable.

Women here are portrayed as living up to the most blatantly sexist and obsolete male wishful thinking. Oh, men are so superior and great, and women can't live without men, and yadda yadda yadda. Talk about being full of themselves.

This movie was probably silly even in the fifties, but today it borders on the absolutely unwatchable. You'll put your head in your hands and go "argh!" Oh well. At least the legions of women in very short skirts gives you something to look at. If you're a guy. Wait -- was I just being sexist...?

2 out of 10.
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