Did I just see what I thought I saw?
9 January 2006
Someone claiming to be the producer of the movie comes on just before the film starts and says "This flick s***ks." That means the makers of this movie will NOT be sued for violating the Truth In Advertising law!

An ugly woman who has obviously never had a date in her life works for a dentist who thinks nothing of chugging a liter of whiskey before operating on his patients. This woman has a brother who was horribly mutilated in an auto accident. He wears a KKK hood because it was a black car that hit him (get it?). Finally fed up with the insults she must endure the woman turns her brother into a brain dead zombie by injecting him with urine (hey I just review 'em, I don't write 'em!) and after making him do nice things like slicing his arm open with scissors and other things I cannot say on this board she uses him to get even with the guys who have insulted her.

Gore has never been more cheesy as we see a bunch of sleazy guys get killed in increasingly brutal ways. You know the filmmakers were not taking themselves seriously by their approach to the killings but that does not make them any less brutal. Of course the trouble with creating a zombie is you never know when he might turn on you. That leads to the merciful end of this 52 minute . . . er . . . thriller?

Underground movies. You either gotta love 'em or hate 'em. I know where I stand on THIS movie and it sure ain't love! Get drunk; no get completely WASTED before you see it. This will not make the movie any better but you sure will enjoy it more!
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