There's more Evil here then I've ever encountered before!
5 January 2006
(SOME SPOILERS) Back in the 17th century England there was this decadent and evil man who loved to humiliate torture and even murder his servants and those of the lower classes, who couldn't fight back, named Sir. Hugo Baskerville.

One evening at an all night orgy at Baskerville Hall Hugo went up to the room where his young maid was staying and in a fit of anger found her gone. Getting his fox hunting hounds together Hugo rode out into the moors to track down the maid and teach her some manners in her unpardonable act of disobeying her grand and noble master Sir. Hugo Baskerville.

Chasing the girl into the ruins of a deserted abbey on the moor a terrifying howl rang out in the night. The pack of dogs with Hugo suddenly stopped in their tracks, and turned back in horror, but Hugo continued on after the maid which turned out to be the last thing he ever did. He was attacked by the mysterious hound and found dead the next morning, ripped to pieces, in the moor around the abbey.

Some 150 years later the curse of the Hound of the Baskerville resurfaced as one of the two last remaining Baskerville's Sir. Charles was found in the same place where his descendant Hugo was killed dead from heart failure. Sir Charles had seen something so horrific that his heart suddenly stopped. With now only Sir. Henry Baskerville left to carry on the Baskerville name it was now up to the legendary English detective Sherlock Holmes to prevent him from ending up like the previous Baskerville; victims of the hound from hell "The Hound of the Baskerville".

Entertaining and suspenseful mystery with a lot of surprises along the way until you find out what exactly is behind the curse of the Baskerville family. Sherlock Holmes gets suspicious almost at once when Sir. Henry is almost killed by a tarantula spider, that was hidden in his boot. Holmes deducted that there's someone in and around Baskerville hall who want's Sir. Henry, like his uncle Sir. Charles, dead and for good reason. He's to inherited the Baskerville fortune and the massive Baskerville hall and all the land around it, but who exactly is he, or she?

Holmes has to go back some 150 years to find out that Hugo's carousing and decadence lead to a rape of one of his servants that resulted in the birth of a child that was in line to inherit Baskerville Hall only if all the other Baskerville's were done away with. That nightmare, for Sir. Henry Baskerville, was about to come tragically and prophetically true.

It takes a while for Holmes to find out just whom that person is. It's with an important piece of evidence being a missing painting of Hugo that reveals a defect, of his body not his mind, that would give the killer away. It was the killer who purposely stole it to keep anyone, like Sherlock Holmes, from finding that startling fact out.
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