War and Remembrance (1988–1989)
The Secret to Its Success
24 January 2006
War and Rememberence is a definite masterpiece of a saga ever to be shown on television. Since after it was aired there has not been a mini-series in production. It had reached its high water mark. The secret to this min-series success was that it incorporated the fictional characters of Henry family for the "Winds of War" novel and aka television "prequel" with real history; real events; real facts. How it impacted the Henry family, and showed us why we should care about them now than the first series. It had showed us about events of World War II, an all the horrors of a world at war. Why we, no matter when you were born, should never forget. It had showed us background of historical facts not taught in school or openly lectured by mainstream historians. I am very much surprised that the History Channel or A&E has not showed this on their stations already.
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