Nude for Satan? You Bet!
4 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Rather than waste anyone's time, I'll start with the answer to the obvious question - yes, the characters in Nude for Satan spend plenty of time nude. For Satan. Probably more than in any other film I've seen short of hardcore porn. And every time they do, you'll probably want to shout out, "Nude for Satan!" 'Cause it's just that much fun to say. Try it, you'll like it. "Nude for Satan. Nuuuuuude for Satan. I'm nude for Satan!" See?

Of course, there's a bit more to it than that; there is a plot, kinda. Our Hero, Dr. William Benson, happens upon an unconscious woman who crashed her car on a lonely highway in the middle of the night. Seeking medical attention for her, he is directed by a very odd man to an isolated castle, and from that point on, things start to get very strange. The two get separated, and William ends up getting distracted by Evelyn, a dead ringer for the car-crash woman who dresses in period clothing (when she's not nude for Satan), calls him Peter, and is hot for his bod. The crash victim, whose name is Susan, ends up spending time with a variety of people including their enigmatic host, an unnamed female servant, the leering, gap-toothed butler (or should I say, handyman?), and William's doppleganger, Peter.

Both William and Susan are fairly creeped out by the goings-on in the castle, but don't really start trying to figure things out or get away until they meet back up when Susan is menaced by a giant, and apparently quite horny, spider. Then our host explains to William that Peter and Evelyn are the repressed, dark sides of Dr. Will and Susan, and then William witnesses a bizarre ritual where Susan and Evelyn merge and make out with Peter while various nude and semi-nude people dance around, apparently (you guessed it) for Satan. Alas, Will's will proves too strong for the dark side to claim him as well, and he escapes, only to find himself back at the site of the original car accident.

If you think it all sounds rather confusing so far, keep in mind that, for the sake of brevity and comprehension, I've left out most of the really weird aspects of the film in the above summary. No, really.

But the most interesting thing about Nude for Satan is that it appears that this film was a major influence on The Rocky Horror Picture Show. We've got an innocent, upstanding couple, who find themselves stranded in a castle after experiencing car troubles, and are gradually seduced to a life of vice and debauchery by its bizarre inhabitants. There's a bedroom scene that matches Janet's breakdown ("But you did!") right down to the heavily blue- and red-gelled lighting. And the clincher comes at the end, when Peter and Susalyn exactly mirror Frank and Columbia's little frolic on the throne in RHPS's ballroom scene, immediately followed by what could certainly be called a "floor show." All in all, pretty much a must-see for the serious cult-movie fan. Say it with me again - "Nude for Satan." Hee. That never gets old.
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