One of the best thrillers I have seen for a long, long time.
5 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the discussion seems to be about the last two minutes of this film, which seems unfair, but actually makes sense because the ending, for me, is the main beauty of the film. I have seen many films spoiled by a silly ending, but this is not one of them. The ending is perfect. This film is fast-paced, with constant turns and surprises, a real, classic thriller basically - and throughout the film there are long scenes where almost nothing happens, just suspense building up, and then it explodes in panic and headlong flight. You never really understand what it is all about, and that, for me, sends the film right up there with "The Birds" and other thriller classics. You don't always have to have things explained to you, sometimes there is a strange beauty in the things that you don't understand. So watch this film is you want to see something a little different, guaranteed no boring exposition and long-winded explanations. This film is an attempt to make a thriller that doesn't have to prove itself, that doesn't need an excuse to exist, that simply just works on the basis of atmosphere and mood. This has to be one of the best thrillers I have seen for a long, long time.
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