Gramopohone exrav-org-ganza
9 February 2006
I would give this colossal and fascinating time capsule musical a 9 for entertainment value and a 2 for the DVD quality. I was so keen to see every frame of this film, having already goggled at THE SHOW OF SHOWS and Broadway MELODY OF 1929...but the DVD I found has the final reels hacked about and urrrggghhhh NOT in the 2 color Technicolor that I was drooling about expecting. I could faintly see the B&W rendition but I knew it was in color so I was really irritated with the DVD people for releasing this great and amazing film in such a chopped and pale way. Prior to the grand finale, the rest of the film is quite interesting as a story and compelling for the visuals and clunky sound of real people and normal city life in the 20s. Sub leads Olive Shea and Edward Crandell are actually more interesting than the lead, Marilyn Miller, and the gorgeous fashions, street scenes, department store settings etc kept me fascinated. I am so keen to see this film properly with the color scenes. as a production and a vintage musical it is extraordinary and beautiful..so please check out the quality and the completeness of the finale before you purchase. If anyone has a good copy to share, complete and with color scenes they can contact me via the message boards on this site. I am so keen to see it properly...and so should you be if you really love sumptuous 20s life on film. Early in the film there is a wonderful outdoor picnic with a stage show...like a delicious 1929 picnic version of '"This Is Our Once A Year Day" from PAJAMA GAME of 1958. Just charming!
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