Babylon 5 (1993–1998)
one of the best sci-fi series,....period
20 February 2006
Although I know that the Trekkies out there and lovers of SG-1 will no doubt blow a gasket, I consider this the best sci-fi series ever. And I DO like these other shows (even the ever so mediocre Deep Space 9). My love for the show is based on it having the creative genius of J. Michael Straczynski creating and controlling the series. Unlike other shows, he was a single mastermind who envisioned a series with a greater sense of purpose and plot than others (and wrote almost all the episodes). His plots did not last a few episodes or even a single season, but persisted throughout. And, because of this, his characters were able to grow and evolve unlike any others in the history of sci-fi. It was ingenious how G'Kar and Molari, for example, changed throughout the series. It was also genius to have humans be both the BEST and WORST characters in the show--from the evil Bester (played by EVIL CHEKOV from the "Mirror Mirror" episode of Star Trek) to the strong and competent Commanders Sinclair and Sheridan.

I will warn you, though, that the first season starts slowly, as it takes a while for all the characters to be introduced and for all the man, many plots and schemes to start coming together. In fact, in season one, there are even a few poor episodes that show that the series hadn't yet gotten its legs. My advice is HOLD ON AND KEEP WATCHING--later the true brilliance of the intricate plot become very apparent. Seasons two, three and four are amazing, though unfortunately season five is also a bit of a dud because the show was originally scheduled to end after four and the fifth season was sort of slapped together--and it looks it.

If you disagree with me, I challenge you to watch every episode from start to finish and then tell me I am wrong. I guess I am a true GEEK, as I have seen them all as they originally aired and no other series (except NOWHERE MAN, STARGATE SG-1 and THE PRISONER) ever got me to commit myself to seeing every episode.
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