Silly "Snake Pit" rehash...
23 February 2006
Despite good intentions, this silly sanitarium flick from Dariel Telfer's novel is unintentionally funny. 'Stolid' is practically synonymous with Robert Stack, here playing the head doctor at an asylum that welcomes a new patient to the pack, schizophrenic Polly Bergen (who freaks out in a crowded movie-house showing "West Side Story"...she must be a critic). Joan Crawford is on hand too, playing the hospital matron (she's slightly schizo herself; one minute she's flirting with wooden Stack, the next she's chewing him out). Some intense scenes, fine Oscar-nominated cinematography by Lucien Ballard, but otherwise ridiculous. Hall Bartlett is credited with the direction; future TV director Jerry Paris (of "Happy Days" fame) co-produced and co-wrote...wouldn't it have been better if that were reversed and Paris brought Joanie & Chachi on-board to deal with Mommie Dearest? ** from ****
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