Last Holiday (2006)
Cute, warm and fuzzy
27 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Last Holiday wasn't quite the laugh out loud comedy I expected but it definitely was worth watching. It doesn't try to be complex but rather focus's on the main character, her caring attitude, and her adventures on her "Last Holiday." It makes for a cute, fun little movie without being too intelligent. It's just fun to watch.

Queen Latifah plays Georgia Byrd, an introverted, soft spoken retail salesperson who's never done anything for herself and prefers to just dream about what could be. But when she is told she has three weeks to live everything changes and she realizes if she doesn't open up now she'll never get the chance and she takes a wild holiday with the last of her money and does everything she always wanted to but was too scared to do. Along the way her sweet, innocent personality touches the lives of some unusual people. Latifah is great and although I think she is the exact opposite of Georgia Byrd in real life, she is easily convincing as her in the film. She does have a great personality and it shines in the film and she is perfect in the role. LL Cool J plays her dream man Sean Matthews who she is always afraid to approach but he'll come looking for her when he discovers he may not get to tell her about his own feelings towards her. He's not in the film a lot but LL Cool J is a very versatile actor and comedy seems to come naturally to him and him and Latifah are adorable together. Timothy Hutton is good as Latifah's nemesis at the resort she stays at, Matthew Kragen. Kragen is threatened and jealous by the attention that the free spirited Georgia receives from his peers and looks to outsmart her but even Georgia's spirit will touch him. Alicia Witt plays Hutton's secretary/girlfriend who Georgia befriends in an attempt to help her out of her less than stellar life. She also does a good job. Gérard Depardieu plays a small role as the chef of the resort who Latifah makes a connection with as a fellow food connoisseur. His role could have been bigger as he is a comedy natural but the film really centers on and is all about Latifah and her character.

I might say the comedy was a little more subtle than I expected but that has been directors Wayne Wang's style and perhaps I should have noticed that. Much of the really good scenes are already long shown in the trailer, it's one of those films where the bulk of it is given away before you've even seen it. Even still Latifah makes the film worth watching and the story is cute and acceptable. It won't blow you away or probably stick with you very long but it won't disappoint either as a light movie snack. Definitely at least worth it for Latifah's performance. It definitely has some laughs and some feel good moments and well worth seeing. 7/10
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