Love is better what, the fourth time around?
8 March 2006
I cannot understand why the ratings and comments on this movie are as mediocre to poor as they are. This was a fun movie. Sure, it's a bit silly and it plays with history and facts but it's essentially just fun and harmless yet fast moving and entertaining. Does every movie have to be The English Patient? Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger do a really good job of lite hearted comedy about a couple that keeps finding each other, over and over again! Baldwin's pals, Paul Reiser, Fisher Stevens, Peter Dobson, and Steve Hytner, are great support players as they are funny and engaging about the trials and tribulations of this love affair.

Robert Logia is terrific as Baldwin's ex-fiancé's father, a power broker in Hollywood hell bent on destroying Baldwin's characters life after he jilts not once but TWICE his daughter played by Elizabeth Shue. But in many ways it is Armand Assante who steals the movie with his portrayal of Bugsy Siegel. Assante is so controlled and smooth, yet so believable as a cold blooded gangster/killer. He plays the role with a true sense of comedic timing.

The cast is first rate, the movie has some good twists and turns, and it'll go by quickly which every good movie will do. I liked it and I'm betting if you like lite hearted comedy you'll like it too.
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