Danny Roane - bad, Bondage - good
19 March 2006
I was at SXSW also. I saw both Danny Roane and Bondage. Bondage is a brilliant film that isn't supposed to make you laugh so hard beer comes out your nose. Bondage has very funny moments and doesn't have to resort to the lowest level of comedy known to humankind. Danny Roane is disjointed, fragmented and unapologetically offensive. It is a surreal mess of images, gross humor, & terrible dialog. Yes, there are some rather funny moments. But not enough to ever sit through it again. This time, once may have been too much. On a personal note, Eric Allen Bell is a very nice person. Eric did a fantastic job with his movie(Bondage)and Andy was very funny. The train wreck that followed the screening of Danny Roane was appalling at best.
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