Review of TV Offal

TV Offal (1997–1998)
If you are easily offended this is not for you
21 March 2006
A truly splendid collection of all that is splendid in VLS's humour. Comic and real TV clips from around the world, the gay Daleks are wonderful although the constant references to a well known heterosexual UK politician bemused me somewhat. VSL does not so much cross the line of decency but sets up camp on the other side, the result is gut achingly hilarious. Often the language used does stray into the embarrassingly childish but on the whole wonderful stuff like this does not come along that often. Just leave preconceptions to one side and enjoy it. An ex girlfriend used my best single malt for a Christmas cake and recorded over my only taped copy to this day I can't decide which was the worst crime. Please Victor any chance of a copy to replace it?
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