An astonishing film
24 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've never read the V novels, in fact I didn't even know they existed, so it was only the clips I'd seen in the cinema and the fact the 'superhero' was British for a change that tempted me to view this film of which I fully expected it to be yet another special effect centred film about an all brawn and no brain superhero ala Batman, Hulk, Fantastic Four, etc etc etc.

Well was I in for a surprise as I spent 2 hours plus totally and I do mean totally enthralled. I can't think of any bad points in this film, honestly I can't, cast and crew have combined to produce a very very enjoyable and worthwhile film that leaves the viewer entertained, angry, sad, puzzled, elated and at times gob smacked.

So why has this 'superhero' film succeeded where others fail. Well other 'superhero' films I've seen have no story, one dimensional characters and an over indulgence of and reliance on CGI effects to take the audiences mind of the fact that well......there is no story and the characters are one dimensional. This film on the other hand has a story worth telling, characters worth portraying and special effects only used when and where needed.

The two principle actors in V portray their parts exceptionally well, Natalie Portman is both vulnerable and strong in her role while Hugo Weaving is immense, hidden behind his mask for the entire film the richness of his voice and his use of body language more than make up for the lack of facial expression and in a way having V maintain the same ghoulish / cartoonish smile regardless of whether he is killing an enemy or dancing with Evie is at times very unnerving and adds to the mystery of his character and his motivations.

So is V a terrorist or a freedom fighter ? Does he bring fear to the populace or hope ? Well V certainly kills and V destroys, but V only kills those who are collaborators to the oppression, those who helped bring fascism about and maintain it such as members of the government, the media, corporate business and science. V does blow up buildings but these buildings are symbols albeit corrupt ones and their destruction bring embarrassment to the government and hope to the people.

Who is V? In a fascist state some type of underground resistance would form, hiding itself away, disguising itself, bringing others into it's fold, testing their loyalty taking any opportunity to hit back at the regime, too destroy any symbols of oppression....for me this is what V represents, he is all those who would fight for their freedom condensed into one man, he is what we would all hope to be given the same circumstances. V is me, V is you, V is those who cry freedom.

Finally do we live in a fascist state? Is the USA or the UK fascist states, no I don't believe they are and I hope they never are, but just how far down the road of new laws, more restrictions and increased surveillance must we travel before we recognise such changes for what they are.

We passengers really should pay much more attention to route the driver is taking us just now, let's not be complacent for our children's sake.
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