The Telephone (1988)
Great movie. Hope to see it on DVD someday
11 April 2006
I saw this movie on TV the first time, but got in about 15 min. into it so naturally I started hunting for it on video. I finally found it and have been watching it many times. Whoopie Goldberg gives a heartwarming/-breaking performance as VashiBlue, whose main contact with the surrounding world is her telephone and her answering machine. She is obviously a lonely person, living with an owl and a goldfish, but does get company once in a while and loves to argue with the neighbour, who constantly complains about her and threatens to contact immigrations to have her kicked out. The ending comes as a total surprise and I couldn't help crying after I saw it in full the first time. I still do, if it's been a while since I saw it last. Definitely a movie to see and I hope it will be released on DVD soon, region 2, since I live in Denmark.
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