Review of Gidget

Gidget (1959)
Girl + midget = Gidget
15 April 2006
Squealing Sandra Dee is an underdeveloped sixteen-year-old in Southern California who is prodded by her friends into finding a man; she ingratiates herself to a bunch of good-hearted surfing boys, but only because she's genuinely interested in learning to surf (they soon realize she's different, but that doesn't stop romance from happening!). Ultra clean-cut growing pains comedy-drama, kept very light and lively, with poppy music and pretty, if repetitive, surfing footage. It is somewhat responsible for the string of surfing movies and TV shows which flooded the market in the 1960s...and yet, one hopes it will be better than it is. Sandra Dee doesn't really sparkle, and acts almost victimized when a guy comes onto her. Still, the picture was popular with similar girls and provides a soft, romantic sell to the fellas and to parents. It's as G-rated as can be. ** from ****
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