Review was off
17 April 2006
The summary of the movie is not all there... did the writer watch the movie? Actually, the movie is mostly about a computer programmer/enthusiast who gets sucked into another world where 'The Dungeonmaster' has him and his girlfriend interact in different scenarios/riddles. They must figure out how to escape from each scenario... in most cases the riddle's solution involves zapping things with his arm-computer.

This movie has 7 different directors, each of which direct one of the 7 scenarios the main characters are placed in. This film is awesomely horrible; I loved it and would recommend it to any other fans of crappy movies.

Another interesting tid-bit is that the main character says "I reject your reality and substitute my own" while confronting The Dungeonmaster. I had never heard this used anywhere but Mythbusters before I saw this movie.
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