Boy Eats Girl (2005)
Irish zombie movie (comedy)
27 April 2006
This is a brilliant take on a real life zombie invasion, that makes you think what would i do? Yes i do admit that the storyline when it comes to the bit about how the zombies were created ( by voodoo) was a bit weak and also the love story between the two main characters was a bit too soppy, but you've got to expect that from a teen movie. But as for the amount of gore that definitely deserves a 10 out of 10, not only is the tractor kill scene the best gore i've seen in a zombie movie ever it was stomach churning as well as funny. As for the comment i have just read bout it not being a very good teen horror movie, thats just wrong, yes not a good teen horror movie but thats because its not one, its a comedy and its not meant to scare the hell out of you and make you jump every five seconds. Anyway definitely another good zombie film from this area of the world, definitely deserves to be up there with Shaun of the dead and 28days later!
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