I liked the way book II completed what happened to the Jordach family.
1 May 2006
I enjoyed book II because it showed how the family after many year's of fighting and being bitter towards each they finally realized by sticking together they could accomplish so many more things in life. I also liked how Rudy became some what of a father figure for Wesley and Billy. He tried to show them just how important family really is and being bitter about things in their life does not have to continue you have to except the past and learn from it.Once the boy's saw how Rudy was alway's there for them trying to help them learn from their mistakes overcome them with out using their fist help make them better men.He wanted them to overcome their past so they could have a better life.Abuse tore his family apart and knew it had to stop.He also taught them that a good education was very important.I would love to purchase book II to complete the story.
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