John Leguizamo: Freak (1998 TV Special)
Coño, te pasaste... o te excediste...
3 May 2006
This is such an interesting one-man show... I cannot recommend it more. Not for its material, or its qualities to make us analyze our own life or whatever people are saying in these posts. The actual things that are being said in the show by Leguizamo are sometimes easy to go by. This is not the result of writing prowess. This is the result of dramatic stage genius. It is all... every single bit of it... placed on Leguizamo's talent on stage. His power is not in his one-liners, in his story development, in his critical mind, but in his physical talents and his genius use of not only space, but dramatic characterization and 'space' within characters. I'm not saying he is just funny physically. He is a physical creator on all senses and terms. This is, therefore, the most interesting stand-up comedy act I have ever seen. It isn't really one, actually. It is, yes, but it extends the parameters, the possibilities in such ways that all you say is, 'why does nobody ever think of things like these... why is stand-up comedy so dull'. This isn't dull. Leguizamo is at a creative peak in his performance. And that is gold. He has what any other straight up stand-up comedian lacks. And that is dramatic intelligence. So you've got a comedic act that without shining on paper, shines put to life. A true play of sorts. The reasons why maybe, after watching this, you will not like him, or consider it bad, are more on a personal level, I think... Leguizamo is really in your face on this one. And if you find him the least bit annoying, then that will be the end of this performance in your eyes. Still, it will open your mind in one simple matter: that stand-up comedy as we know it is limited. This is far beyond 'stand-up comedy as we know it', and could be, perhaps, a nice future to a dead-end formula.
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