Titanic (1996)
Not Bad For What It Is
3 May 2006
This is not a bad movie for what it is: namely, a made for TV miniseries.

The effects in THE key sequence (at least for a TITANIC buff is well done, considering that the producers didn't have James Cameron's budget. The ship isn't all that accurate, but if my memory serves me correctly, they used a 178-foot model for the movie, so space is limited.

The worst part concerns the actions of one "Simon Doonan", a fictional crewmember. This scene, IMO, is completely gratuitous and actually detracts from the move.

My main objection is the portrayal of First Officer Murdoch. I honestly think that someone as STUPID as he supposedly is would never have been assigned to what was the flagship of the White Star Line. In fact, he enjoyed a stellar career until the TITANIC, but I suppose there has to be a "reason" that TITANIC hits the berg. If you are a true TITANIC buff, you are unlikely to be impressed by the film's portrayal of Mr Murdoch.

The scene with "Simon Doonan" and the portrayal of Mr Murdoch in my opinion take a film which cou7ld be a 10 and make it only a 6. Still an interesting addition to a TITANIC film collection.
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