Ultraviolet (2006)
How can such a simple film end up so confused?
7 May 2006
Tongue in cheek pure action no-brainers aren't what they used to be. I think the addition of excessive CGI is what has lead to their downfall, at least that seems to be in evidence here.

It came off as something about on Par with Batman and Robin. It made me wonder what it'd be like if they made an A-Team movie with a tonne of CGI thrown in. It also made me wish I hadn't bother seeing it.

I couldn't help but think the film could have been a lot better. The premise (what there was of one) wasn't too bad and Jovovich was a perfectly reasonable choice to star. I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it looked better then the Aeon Flux trailer (which turned out to be a much better film BTW). But aside from the source material and the leading lady everything about this film was wrong.

The dialogue is all over the place. Sometimes attempting to be serious, sometimes overly tongue in cheek and whenever someone says a kind of cool tongue in cheek line, it's followed up by something that ruins it. The action too is like someone with very few ideas decided to make up for it by repeating ab-nauseum. The plot could have been written on the back of a bus ticket, the editing is also pretty shabby and the flow of the film is kind of disjointed all the way because of it. Indeed the lighting, camera work and CGI itself are all pretty second rate.

Finally, this film has perhaps the worst soundtrack I've heard in a film. The music chosen for tense scenes and action scenes work about as badly as can be against the visual. Although to be fair it is may be just that the composer was trying to make music as unsure of it's purpose as the film itself seemed. They were probably asking for something part way between Star Wars and the Benny Hill theme.

The only positive thing I can say about this film is that Milla Jovovich, for what it's worth, did her best. But then maybe that is part of the problem because she seemed to be trying to play a serious role in a less then serious film. Did she make a mistake trying to take the film seriously? Who knows. Other then that all I can say (positive) about the film is that I've seen worse.
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