Star Knight (1985)
Not so clever Keitel
12 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to seeing Klaus Kinski and Harvey Keitel in this medieval tale of sci-fi and fantasy. But boy, was this movie bad! Kinski's voice was dubbed and he smiles all the time, looking way to happy for his role as the medieval scientist. And poor Harvey Keitel... At the time of shooting this movie, he must have still been recovering from all the LSD he dropped during the 70's or something, because you can see he has absolutely no idea what he was doing on the set. His character is named Klever, a not too intelligent knight who is in love with princess Alba. It's often Klever who provides the totally misplaced and stupid comedy elements of this movie. But I did find it funny to see Keitel speak Shakespearian dialogues with his Brooklyn accent. Pretty ridiculous. You should see him thanking God when he finds out how the space-armour works. And see him fall asleep while standing guard. Priceless! Other attempts at comedy were provided by the Green Knight Who Guards The Bridge And Spits When He Talks (actually, that spitting-part was unintentional and you only see him do it near the end of the movie, but it WAS funny). That Green Knight character, by the way, was directly lifted from MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL (1975).

But STAR KNIGHT isn't really a comedy (although it's so bad, you WILL laugh). It's a medieval sci-fi-tale. There's a spaceship flying around a small village. The inhabitants mistakingly see it as a flying dragon. That's plausible. The alien in it, is a human (from another planet? From the future? Who knows?). Klever, who's not so clever, thinks the astronaut's space-suit is his armour. Plausible too. But the rest of the movie isn't. The alien visitor, named IX, is there to study earth, but falls in love with Alba. He communicates through telepathy (which seems to make a stupid, high-pitched noise), but only Alba can hear him (that, or he only speaks to her). Since IX and Klever are both in love with Alba, they have to do battle with each other. When Klever stands outside the spaceship screaming he demands a duel, Alba is inside the ship telling IX things like "If you really love me, you will fight for me...", knowing that it might get him killed. That b!tch! Anyway, the duel is over before it really starts. So this movie is just stupid and pointless. The conclusion is just plain idiotic.

But you will laugh with it and fans of Harvey Keitel and Klaus Kinski should see this (and then wonder what the hell they were doing in this picture). The special effects of the space-ship aren't too bad, but there's so much light coming out of the thing that you can't tell what shape it is. The movie-makers clearly had no idea what kind of movie they were making, nor were it all was going to lead to. So it results in ridiculous nonsense. Amusing, but stupid and bad.
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