I almost totally agree with the previous comment
23 May 2006
I watched the Garry Shandling Alone in Las Vegas videotape so many times in the 80's I can't even count. It is utterly amazing how good his stand up is in this special. There is not a week that goes by that I don't quote some sort of joke from that routine. I guess that proves how many subjects he touches on. I happen to like every single minute of the tape; even the stuff that happens before the stand up and after the stand up. You have to love his self-deprecating humor; especially when he continually calls his girlfriend "Patty" in Los Angeles and his buddy "Dave" is always there. I'm paraphrasing: "Hello Patty? Oh Dave it's you. Is Patty there Dave? Oh she's right next to you? Can I speak with her? Oh she's sleeping? No don't wake her Dave." I also love … "My friend Chuck in LA gave me 10 dollars to put on number 7 in roulette. (Watches ball spin and reminds audience not to watch the spinning wheel because it can make you nauseous) Dealer yells Number 7. Garry says "Wow, Number 7, That's … What? 350 dollars? Wow? (looks at camera and says) Now I'll play my friends 10 dollars." This is a funny show. If you can get a copy, watch it and you'll laugh yourself silly.
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