Review of IOWA

IOWA (2005)
One of my top films this year.
5 June 2006
I saw this film in L.A. at the Sunset 5. I had no idea what to expect but that is what I like about independent film. Independent being the key word here. I usually do not comment on IMDb but I felt compelled to after reading a few of the verbal assaults on this film. I am a successful person in the entertainment world and I have seen this happen before. A great film gets slammed by a lot of jealous people who wished they had made the film or film students who think they would have made a better one. Well you didn't and like 99.99 percent of the world you never will. I can see that the comments range from very negative to very positive minus anything average. People either love this movie or hate it. That is because there is a lot of passion behind it. I vividly remember parts of this film and considering the budget it was probably made for, "IOWA" is an amazing accomplishment. It is my understanding that this is also a major problem in the Midwest. Farnsworth should be regarded as pioneer. Not a copycat. People are calling this just another drug film with similarities to Spun, Natural Born Killers, and many other films made by seasoned industry vets who's first films would probably not stack up against Farnsworth's. The film does have faults but the sheer fact that names Like David Lynch are mentioned in the New York Post review of "IOWA" should tell us we have found a new voice and we should pay attention because whether or not you love the film it's choice of topic is a Noble one. There has never been a film made about meth in the Midwest to my knowledge. That means this is not just another drug film. I feel this film will gain momentum even with some of the negative reviews and people will open up to the new director. Honestly when I first saw the poster I thought is was Scarlet Johansson and Brad Pitt in a film I had not heard about. That alone is enough to make some of the not so pretty people out there write with unneeded negativity and pound away at the keyboard. Not everybody has the ability to do all the things Farnsworth did on "IOWA'. As strong as it was I am really interested to see him do a film with only one or two jobs.
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