10 June 2006
You know, as the tag line suggested about this fun flick, "Heaven really is that Hot," huh? And that is what makes this movie so terrific!!!!!

I mean, this movie is a great stroke of genius! Why on earth would anyone hate on a film like "Round Trip To Heaven"? I mean, once you put the tape of this movie in, you are heaven-bound and when the movie is over and you take the tape out, well, your "Round Trip To Heaven" has come to a complete stop!

What I like the most about "Round Trip To Heaven" is that this movie contains countless minutes of heaven: love and all! How on earth, or in this case, heaven, could no one stand this stuff? "Round Trip to Heaven" is a fantastic film that will endure the test of time! A ten star movie, and "two thumbs up," quoting Ebert and Roeper.
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