Half-Life 2: Episode One (2006 Video Game)
An excellent addition to the franchise
15 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Half Life 2: Episode 1 is the first of 3 expansion packs to the Half Life 2 game, although you don't need Half Life 2 to play it.

The game kicks off right where Half Life 2 dramatically left off, with a time warp freezing Gordon and Alyx right as the Citadel core was about to explode. Intervention comes in the form of the Vortegund and our heroes are teleported to safety, with Gordon being pulled out of the clutches of the mysterious G Man.

There's no time to relax however, as the core is still on its way towards a meltdown. A meltdown that will result in the complete destruction of City 17. With no time to flee to safety, Gordon and Alyx must enter the Citadel and avert the meltdown, and then join the exodus of City 17.

I wont go any further into the details of it, but suffice to say, its a wild ride from start to finish as you battle through the Cidatel, the underground and the ruins of City 17. Alyx is with you as your parter throughout almost the entire game, and her AI is improved considerably. There are often times when your ammo is low that you rely on her to pull your fat out of the fire.

A little disappointing is the fact that there's no new weapons to try out, and only 1 new enemy, a Combine Soldier who's been zombified by a head crab (Zombines as Alyx calls them) The game is also quite short. I managed to complete it on the same day I purchased it. But given the low price tag, id say its well worth the price.

The game started on a cliffhanger and I don't think its surprising to hear that it ends on one too. I personally cant wait for Episode 2!
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