X-men go home!
25 June 2006
Many critics thought that the first Black-Mask film was too over the top to be believable, let alone likable. But actually, its humor depended on its being unbelievable without being campy - a remarkable feat, largely accomplished by the actors. At any rate, as with The Heroic Trio, the humor was absolutely necessary to offset the extreme violence of the film. For me it worked.

In making this film, Tsui Hark seems to have kept one eye on developments in Hollywood surrounding the rise of the comic-book movie, of which the X-Men films became exemplary.

Big mistake. For one thing Asia has its own comic-book tradition, which has recently had a major impact in the West, so why try to make a Western style comic-book movie in China? And what is with all these professional wrestlers, anyway? we all know they're X-Men wannabes, that's why we watch professional wrestling, but who wants to see them morph into real X-Men/ Doesn't that kind of miss the point? Also, this isn't really a sequel to Black Mask at all, these are all new characters - I feel cheated! Bring back Jet Li! I wish Hark would get his eyes off Hollywood except when he makes a film there - and even then! There's nothing wrong with being Chinese - especially if you happen to be making a kung fu film!
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