The Twilight Zone: Third from the Sun (1960)
Season 1, Episode 14
a look into a possible future
2 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderful episode for many reasons, especially the twist ending (which I will not reveal!).

Yes, the camera angles are canted, giving the viewer a slightly off-balance look at this future world. I especially like the contemporary music playing on the home stereo when Sturka comes home. Very cool source music cue! However, props from the 1960's still can't take us too far into the future. The sunburst clock over the mantle is pure 60's kitsch. An Ericofon is used -- perhaps the most modern-looking telephone of its day. However, it has a dial in its base. Also, check out the family automobile, something that looks like a late 50's car, but with an updated sound effect -- it sounds like it runs on electricity. Perhaps the best use of props is the most-reused-flying-saucer from the stores of MGM. You've seen this spaceship in many other episodes and in movies.

One disturbing thing about the future is that a housewife would serve chocolate cake with lemonade! I'm not ready for that leap.

I think it was interesting that the protagonist, Sturka, who was so appalled at mankind's use of destructive power, was played by Fritz Weaver, a man who was, himself, a conscientious objector during WWII.
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