Evil Dead: Regeneration (2005 Video Game)
Mediocre Game
11 July 2006
Rated M for Strong Violence,Blood,Gore and Some Language.

The most recent game I got was Evil Dead Regeneration which was about a week ago.This is the newest game in the Evil Dead series of games which were based on the films.I have never seen the films.This game is not bad.Its pretty fun especially when you have the little midget sidekick named Ssam who you can kick around.He also makes funny comments.At first the game is pretty hard especially when you have hoards of zombies coming at you but after you get Sam it gets easier.This game is a horror/action game with comedy.Bruce Campbell who was ash in the movies is the voice of ash in the game and he has really funny one-liners.So does Sam Ash's half deadite sidekick.The game is about a man who must kill all the zombies.Evil Dead Regeneration is an alright game but I suggest buying it at a cheap price.

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