If you liked the first two, don't watch this one!
13 August 2006
So here it is. Finally. "I'll Always Know What You DiD Last Summer". A lot of people were eager to see this movie, BUT: It's not an "I Know..."-film.

Okay, it's got the fisherman. And that's it. it is in absolutely no context to the first two parts, except for the fisherman and the title. Well, actually, just the title.

I'm wondering if this is what was going on in the production-office: Producer 1: "Hey, how do we get people to watch our movie?" Producer 2: "I've got an idea. People liked the 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'-Movies. Let's make a third." Producer 1: "Hey, good idea. But we won't get Jennifer Love-Hewitt or Freddy Prince Jr. or anyone else from the first two parts." Producer 2: "Doesn't matter. We'll just take the title and let the fisherman kill some other kids, who are not from South Port and who didn't throw Ben Willis into the ocean." Producer 1: "But why would he do that?" Producer 2: "Doesn't matter, they'll have to watch the movie before they can realize that it's crap!" Producer 1: "Cool!"
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