Review of Prime

Prime (2005)
Uma Should Be Killing Bill, Not Serving Time In Prime
15 August 2006
Prime stars Uma Thurman, Meryl Streep, and some young wimp named...uh, what's his name? Bryan Greenberg or something? Whatever his name is, he can't act to save his shoes. It doesn't help that he's sharing major screen time with the intimidating likes of Uma & Meryl. Still, Greenberg Penelope Cruz's this role (meaning, like Cruz in Vanilly Sky, he's got some pretty good dialogue and he botches all of it).

Streep plays a Jewish psychiatrist & worrywart mother to stereotypical Method competence. Her character could have been written out of the movie and it wouldn't have mattered all that much, but they couldn't do that because then what about all of Meryl's hours & hours of studying all those psychiatrists in her exhaustive research? Sometimes I miss the days when actors just pretended. Anyway, Streep is Thurman's shrink and the older woman is floored when she finds out the younger woman is dating her son (ol' what's-his-name). And that's about it.

Uma just about saves the picture, which is the way it should be since she's the leading lady and has the most screen time. She gives a sensitive performance playing a 37-year-old who has to deal with being in love with an inadequate tyke who's a decade & a half younger than she is. And speaking of Younger, Ben Younger directs the movie without any flash or zing. He brought some sizzle to the overpraised Boiler Room, but he leaves that out this time and tries too hard to be Woody Allen. Hey, bub, if the Wood man himself can't remember what it was once like to be Woody Allen, then you shouldn't try it either.

I miss the days of Uma killing Bill. She's too strong and sexy to play a wounded city gal who puts up with crap like "he'd rather play video games than get naked with me." So somebody should try to put a bullet through the side of Uma's head again and maybe she'll go on another kill-crazy rampage with a samurai sword. We know she excels at that. This rom-com crapola co-starring with the Method actor and the gaping piece of tree bark is a waste of her talent.
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