Korgoth of Barbaria (2006 TV Short)
Grusomely brilliant!
17 August 2006
This is Heavy Metal taken on a whole new level!

Another Tartakovsky masterpiece, considering the animation, under skillful direction of Aaron. And certainly something we've not by-far used to in cartoons signed by their names.

If you've liked Futurama's humorous remarks, Heavy Metal's gore & violence, the original Conan The Barbarian medieval-style (tho depicted on quite humorous way), Samurai Jack's action, all with a tint of exaggerated 'attributes' of 'maidens' similar to Manga-style, and zombie-like barbarians you can meet in Grim & Evil, you'll just love this in all it's blood and gore! Everything here is exaggerated to a point of absurd, which is actually what's so catchy and entertaining.

Pure barbarian entertainment! After all, aren't we all a bit of barbarians deep inside?
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