top of the Italian dirty comedy
23 August 2006
Alongside the contemporary movie Cornetti alla Crema, Spaghetti a Mezzanotte proves that the pair Banfi-Martino is a not matched top comedy makers (as also seen in the ultra cult "L'allenatore nel Pallone", a funny view of Italian football world). Martino is a well accomplished director and despite he's internationally known for early 70's thrillers he was very eclectic directing different genre of movies and you will always recognize his trademarks. In this comedy, a late effort in the mature sexy comedy genre of the 70's, the action is focused on the cheating: everybody as a lover, and a lover's lover, it's just a world of lovers and cheaters. And the adultery fuses with the hedonistic utopia. Savino is a southern man in the city of Asti, a classic Italian beautiful little city but spelled like all the north of Italy by foggy, and he is an advocate. His professional rating are so low that a frightened mob would even ask him to defend in his trial in order to go to jail and avoid a sure murder. Savino is short fat and bald while his wife (Barbara Bouchet, a splendid of a woman, then known in Italian TV for a Jane Fonda style fitness show) is a typical fit woman in his late 30, full of sex appeal. She wants him to get slim and even forces him to weird hair loss cure. Savino is a hot blooded southern Italian man and despite his funny look even has a beautiful lover (Alida Chelli), the wife of a jealous public minister (Daniele Vargas). He can't even imagine that his wife could have a lover and like any southern man would go for a honor murder (still not punished in Italy in 1980). Other caracthers are the black news journalist Fefè (Pippo Santonastaso) and the posh and flighty architect Andrea (a young Teo Teoccoli still a cabaret mask at the time, that established himself as a number 1 showman in late 90's). At the time of this movie Banfi reached the highest point of his acting career providing an incredible performance. He is the center of the movie and all the funny scenes are focused only about him. He doesn't disappoint. From the beginning to the end this movie will make you laugh and you will forget all your problems leaving just the living breathing time.
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