Clunky horror film from William Castle capitalizing on two stars...
27 August 2006
The best thing one can say about THE NIGHT STALKER is that the ending is entirely unpredictable. Of course, it's also entirely unbelievable for the wind-up to a tale that really loses all credibility when you start to examine it.

BARBARA STANWYCK does her best to put some professional zing into her role of a woman who dreams too much and ROBERT TAYLOR, as an overly concerned lawyer friend, does his best to make things believable, but the script by Robert Bloch defies reasoning. The trick results are more perplexing than frightening. It's the sort of deceptive thriller that should have been much better written and directed, especially when stars like Stanwyck and Taylor were assigned to it.

The opening segment is an expressionistic montage of the dream world that has a certain fascination and promise. But what follows is an extremely artificial tale involving the woman's blind and jealous husband, her concerned lawyer and a muddled mixture of nightmares that plague the woman until the deceptive revelation at the end.

Stanwyck and Taylor have clearly seen better days, but fans of the stars will no doubt enjoy seeing them coasting along on their former reputations in a horror film not really worthy of them.
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