The only way to sum up this movie is just to say don't bother
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bad movie If I understand this correctly this is the sequel to a movie about "free runners", the same sort of thing that you saw in B-13, where people run and jump over and around buildings and objects with out a net and with a skill matched only by Spiderman. The first film (as was B-13) was made in connection with Luc Besson, here someone else picks up the rains and it shows. I have not seen the first film and after seeing this I don't know if I ever want to.

The plot has a group of these free runners going to China and getting involved with the triads and the Japanese Mafia or some such nonsense. Mostly its an excuse to watch these young athletic guys and girls go running over roof tops and jumping from building to building with out visible means of support. This would be all fine and good if there was anything resembling a story to follow, but there's not. We get a fancy dress party being held in the court yard of a building, when there is a robbery from the upper floors. As the thieves leave through a window there is a sudden and completely out of place rain storm. There is no explanation of where the thieves went only that they landed on another building- somewhere. We then get the introduction of a good many characters all of which make no impression. We also get some action scenes that are filmed in such away that you're on top of each person giving you no sense of the danger or their location. When the final battle comes and the various sides decide to battle it out for no good reason as the police close, in we get a good many people going through obviously choreographed movements in a most embarrassing manner. Think poor French TV movie about martial arts.

This is a martial arts turkey that needs to be actively avoided.
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