Written by David Frankel...
4 September 2006
and well-directed. Anyone who has ever lived in or visited South Florida will enjoy this film. Sarah Jessica Parker is very good, and I am not really an ardent fan of "Sex and the City".

Mia Farrow and Paul Mazursky portray an older well-to-do Miami couple: ..."what shall I decorate the den in, sea foam or teal"..., Mia wonders. While lines like that could seem vacuous, they are humorous when presented in an intelligent way.

Infidelity, boredom, job frustration. SJP has some excellent lines, like when she tells her grandmother ..."your generation had something to fight against Nazis...what does my generation have?"... . Also when she is demoted at her job, her boss tells her not to buy into the "glass-ceiling theory"; she says, as a woman I don't have to buy it I get it for free everyday. Anyone who has ever worked in the superficial world of advertising will get a few laughs.

Antonio Banderas is also in a small part, as Farrow's paramour.

This film deserves a watch, especially because there are so few intelligent romantic comedies. Definitely worth it.
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