What's Happening!! (1976–1979)
One of the greatest shows of the late 70's
11 September 2006
What's Happening!! was one of the greatest shows of the late 70's. What I really liked about the show was that every episode seemed to have a different plot line to it. I gave it a 9 and not a 10 because it was canceled and did not go out on top. The reason why I gave it a 9 was because it captured positive late 70's black culture. It did not have to use " black exploitation" to make it a great show. In the entire run of the show (3 seasons) their never was a violent scene and they never had to use the "N" word to make it funny. My favorite character of the show was Rerun (Fred Berry) because he seemed to play the personality of the "loveable loser" to perfection which made him a great actor. Also, I liked Dee (Danielle Spencer) a lot because she handled the role of childhood star with grace. After her childhood acting days ended she didn't use the money for bad reasons. She went on to become a veterinarian. Which can show people that you can be a childhood star and still live a normal adult life (contatary to popular belief).
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