That's So Raven (2003–2007)
This is the worst show I have ever seen....
13 September 2006
This is the worst show I have ever seen. I cannot even bear to have it on in the background. My mother loathes it. My sister watches it, literally, just to annoy me- even though she ends up wanting to kill herself by the end, too. I don't have a *clue* how this is one of Disney's most popular shows- I guess it goes to show some people will watch any old crap. Raven, the lead, is a good role model- not being skinny-to-the-bone- and that is the one and only thing I respect about this show. Speaking of the lead, she's inexplicably annoying and her voice grates on me. Her friend, Chelsea, is so stupid, but it's not the Joey-Tribbiani-type stupid, that is hilarious, but the annoying I-don't-know-anything-look-at-the-stupid-white-girl stuff of nightmares. The other characters are so boring I can't be bothered to write about them. The premises of the stories are ridiculous, and sometimes make little sense at all. Nevertheless, it does make me laugh- that embarrassed I-can't-believe-I'm-watching-this-crap laugh that so often kicks in.

This is one of those shows that you either love-or-loathe, I guess. My family and I hate it with the intensity of a thousand suns.
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