Korgoth of Barbaria (2006 TV Short)
Sex, Violence, and Heavy Metal
17 September 2006
Korgoth of Barbaria is a fresh new adult swim cartoon. The pilot episode shows us what we are in for! This show's fight scenes are gruesome and often hilarious! Korgoth is the total bad ass barbarian that fears no one, and drinks like a fish. Korgoth fights extremely all-out! From ripping people's faces off to slicing others completely in half! Bottom line, the violence is WAY over the top, but fun to watch! Just remember, this is on Adult Swim for a reason! I look forward to more Korgoth!

The Last Word: Korgoth rules! A man's show with a manly hero. I will buy the season 1 DVD as soon as it's available! Don't miss this! BTW, the music rules!
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