Angel: Eternity (2000)
Season 1, Episode 17
Angel signs on as an actress's bodyguard
20 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Eternity" is actually a fun episode. It doesn't add a lot to the over all story arc, but it does have some nice scenes between the characters. Angelus is always lurking beneath the surface of Angel's normal, sweet personality. If he loses his soul or slips out of control, Angelus will come out again and destroy everything that Angel loves. Angelus is like Angel's evil twin or alternate personality and "Eternity" reinforces the continuing threat he represents to Angel's quest for redemption. Angelus is also a danger to Wes and Cordy, who will be the first ones he goes after if he gets free. They're Angel's link to humanity and the people he's closest, too. Their faith in Angel has to be so deep to risk him turning evil and killing them. They trust Angel and it's really moving to see them continue to love him after this episode. Anyway, if you're watching on DVD, you should probably see this episode.

"Eternity" revolves around Angel hiring on to protect an actress named Rebecca. She's being stalked by some weird guy and she thinks that her life may be in danger. Rebecca is famous and she's up for a big new part. Cordy is thrilled to meet her. Angel likes her too, especially when Rebecca learns that he's a vampire and she isn't afraid. When it turns out that the stalking was a publicity stunt set up by her agent, Rebecca is upset. But, when she looses out on her part because she's too "mature for the role," she's even MORE upset. She comes up with a plan to never age... She'll become a vampire. Rebecca drugs Angel with "happy" pills and he becomes Angelus again. Sort of. See, he only becomes Angelus when he experiences real, perfect happiness and the drugs just produce fake happiness. It'll wear off. He terrorizes Wes, Cordy and Rebecca for a while. Then Wes and Cordy trap him in the elevator shaft. Rebecca runs off, never to be heard from again. Angel recovers and apologizes for going evil. Wes and Cordy forgive Angel for trying to kill them.

There are some good parts to this episode. I really like Cordy's excitement over getting a picture of her elbow in the paper, while Angel pouts that he isn't mentioned. It's pretty cute. And I enjoy Angel at the movie premiere. I haven't seen him in a suit since he went to the prom with Buffy. He looks adorable with his hair all slicked down. Also, it's typical that he's never seen Rebecca's show. Spike's right. Angel needs to have more fun. Mostly, though, I like this episode because it has Angelus. Granted it's not REALLY Angelus, but it still makes for a good time. The 5 minutes or so where he's terrorizing Rebecca, Wes and Cordy are just really fun. I love watching Angelus. I feel bad for Angel at the end, all tied to the bed. He's really worried that Wes and Cordy won't forgive him. They do of course, but that doesn't mean that they aren't going to make him pay a little bit. He studies Cordy for a beat and realizes, "You're not going to untie me, are you?" Cordelia's dismissive, "Pfffff..." as she walks away just says it all.

On the down side, I fell bad for the poor stuntman. He got hired to terrorize Rebecca as a publicity stunt and he wound up in jail. Kinna unfair.

My favorite part of the episode: Cordelia's play. Not only is her over-acting and forgetting of lines hilarious, but she's staring in Ibsen's "A Doll's House." I assume that the show picked that play because the characters in "A Doll's House" are playing roles in their lives, much like Rebecca is in "Eternity." Which is kind of cool. Plus, "Angelus'" mocking Cordelia's performance is down right hysterical. "There wasn't a dry eye in the house... Everybody was laughing too hard."
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