One of the greatest horror/suspense movies ever made
24 September 2006
Listen. Get yourself the biggest screen possible (preferably with a good front projection TV), turn out the lights, sit back with your popcorn and soda, and get ready for an evening of unrelenting suspense. Directed by Jacques Tournear, whose other classics include "The Leopard Man," Robert Mitchum's "Out of the Past," and "Cat People," one viewing of this film will readily illustrate to you why Hollywood's audiences are dwindling. This movie is what good movie making is all about; this movie knows what it's intention is and executes it beautifully. When you see this film, you will think to yourself, "Why can't they make them like this anymore?" If you thought "The Others" was a good movie (which I did) then you will like this one. "The Others," by the way, is one of the few exceptions to my negative criticism above.

I'm not going to reveal any of the plot. Watch it without knowing anything about the plot; let the story unfold on you as it does to Dana Andrews. You'll be glad you did.

The film is available on DVD in the USA and longer English versions. The only difference I saw in the two versions is that the USA version cuts out a few unnecessary words that add nothing to the story.

Anyway, give this movie a viewing. You'll be glad you did.
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