Saw it when I was 13 at 11:30 at night....
26 September 2006
and thought it was the stupidest thing I ever saw. For starters this was not the Superman in the comics. Where was Lex Luthor, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen? They're not here. Also the guy who played Superman could act--but wasn't muscular and couldn't sing. The songs I remember were dreadful, the sets were made of cardboard, the special effects abysmal (even by 1975 TV standards), the jokes totally unfunny and most of the cast overacted to a ridiculous degree. I do remember sort of liking Loretta Swit...but that's about it. There's a GOOD reason this isn't available on video or DVD...it's just horrible. Makes the "Batman" TV show of the 1960s look like high art. A 1.
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