Angel: Fredless (2001)
Season 3, Episode 5
A Fred episode
28 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't my favorite episode. In fact, when it's on I usually find myself wandering into the kitchen in search of a snack or something. Stiil, it does give Fred more of a background and solidifies her place with Team Angel. It also introduces her parents, who'll pop up again in season five. If you're watching the season on DVD, you really should see "Fredless."

"Fredless" revolves around Fred's parents coming to town. They've gotten a letter from Fred and they're justifiably worried about their little girl. Fred's been missing for five years and they've finally tracked her down to the Hyperion. When Fred sees her parents she runs off. Team Angel is concerned that Fred is avoiding the Burkels because they're somehow evil. The Burkels are worried that Team Angel has done something to Fred. And Fred is headed for Lorne. Once she gets to Karitos, Lorne tells her to get out of LA for awhile. Fred is really upset and agrees to go to the bus station. Team Angel and the Burkels arrive at Karitos and Lorne tells them where Fred is. Once Fred sees her parents, she begins to cry. She explains that her years in Pylea didn't seem real to her, until she had to explain them to the Burkels. They comfort their daughter. Afterwards, Fred starts to go back to Texas with her parents, but after helping Team Angel fight a giant roach demon, she realizes that her place is in LA now.

There are some great parts to this episode. I love the Burkels being suspicious of Team Angel and Team Angel being suspicious of Team Angel. Gunn can't believe their detective tracked Fred down from an unmarked envelope. ("Yeah, we could do that.") And nobody wants the Brukels to know about the supernatural side of their lives, so they're pretending Angel's in the movie business. He comes in with a severed demon head that Cordy claims in a movie prop. (Gunn believes her and is horrified when he discovers that he's been touching a real head. "Where do we keep that bleach?") Soon, Team Angel thinks the Burkels are up to no good and the Burkels are understandably concerned about the goings on at the Hyperion. They're all watching each other and it's just really fun. I also really like Fred walking with Angel in the sewers, eating an ice cream cone. She's so weird and likable, as she talks about the dank, home-y feel to the sewer system. And I like Lorne in this episode. He's so annoyed with them, especially Gunn. He won't even pretend to be in the movie business to cover with the Burkels. It's cool that Lorne's so friendly and helpful, but he still has a edge to him. Finally, I really Cordy's assertion that Fred would never leave the hotel without Angel her "big, fat savior." Angel sort of frowns and says, "You think I'm fat?" It just cracks me up.

On the down side, I still don't get how Fred knew those bug were gonna come out of the head, because of the crystals and I've seen this episode like four times. Am I just missing something or is her reasoning kind of weak? Also, why did Lorne give Fred such bad advice? Why would he tell her to leave LA and not just stay and reconnect with her parents?

My favorite part of the episode: Wes and Cordy pretending to be Angel and Buffy. Their imitation of Buffy and Angel's reunion is so overdone and dramatic... But I always get the feeling that it's a lot how Buffy and Angel's actual meeting went.
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