Review of Billy

Angel: Billy (2001)
Season 3, Episode 6
For me, it's all about Wes
28 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually content to focus most of my Buffyverse watching energies towards my two favorite characters: Angel and Spike. When I see an episode, a part of me is almost always waiting for, rooting for, or gazing at them. Starting around this point in "Angel," though, they start getting some serious competition for my affections. Wesley is beginning to develop into one of the Buffyverse's most complex and interesting guys. I fell in love with him in "Billy" and it's a feeling that only grows stronger as the show rolls along. He's just incredibly good in this episode. I really recommend that you see it, if only to watch Wesley becoming an ax wielding psycho for most of the episode and somehow come out of it as the most sympathetic character on the show.

"Billy" revolves around that guy Angel recuse from the hell dimension back in "That Vision Thing." It turns out that Billy is a real evil little creep, who turns men into violent, women hating nuts. When he touches them, they loose all control and attack any women that they come across. He makes Gavin beat Lilah. Then, Billy goes on a rampage in LA infecting other men. Cordy is horrified when Billy starts putting his whammy on men and causing women to die. She blames herself because Angel freed Billy from that hell dimension to save her. Angel says that he'd do it again if he had to because Cordelia's safety is the most important thing. He promises to find Billy. Cordy goes out looking for Billy herself, planning to kill him.

Meanwhile, Wes is falling for Fred. She's helping him with the investigation and he's really happy. But when he touches a piece of paper with Billy's blood on it, he becomes infected. He tries to kill Fred, chasing her through the Hyperion. Gunn's infected, too, and also tries to kill her. Fred has to fight them both. Cordy and Angel track down Billy, he tries to infect Angel, but his touch doesn't work on vampires. Before Angel can kill him, Lilah shows up and shoots Billy herself. Wes is horrified by what he did to Fred. He's too ashamed to even look at her and he won't come back to work. Fred tracks him down at his apartment to tell him that she doesn't blame him for the spell. (She has a point. Basically everyone in the Buffyverse will try to kill the rest of the characters at one time or another.) Wes agrees to come back to work, but he's still deeply shaken by what's happened. After Fred leaves, he begins to cry.

There are some good parts to this episode. I like how Lilah continually throws Lindsey up in Gavin's face. Lilah and Lindsey had an underhanded sort of rivalry, but Lilah at least respected him. She has no use for Gavin and his "red tape" approach to evil schemes. (Personally, I think Gavin's raging insincerity and over all sleazy-ness are more than made up for by how hot he is, but I digress...) Angel trying to track Billy down is also great. He shows up at Billy's cousin's house and when the cousin asks what he wants with Billy, Angel says, "I'm gonna kill him." "Oh," says the cousin, "Come in." It's pretty funny. And I like Cordy's conversation with Lilah. The two of them bounce between threats, discussions about shoes, and bonding as "viscious b*cthes." It's a nice scene. Their characters really don't get enough time together.

Like I said it's really all about Wes for me, though. I don't think I've ever felt as bad for anyone in the Buffyverse as I do Wesley by the end of "Billy." (Although, Spike crying in that alley way over on BTVS season five's "Fool for Love" comes close. As does Angel in "Forgiving." And Wes in "Forgiving," come to think of it. And pretty much everybody in season five's "Hole in the World." But, I'm getting off topic...) Anyway, Wes is one of those characters who can just rip my heart out. He's really starting to love Fred. When he's all crazy and chasing her through the Hyperion, I'm already starting to feel sorry for Wes. Well, I'm also kind of freaked out because he's REALLY scary, but I'm mostly sad because that's just not Wesley. He'd never hurt Fred if he wasn't under a spell. When he finally comes to, he just spends the next few days sitting alone in his apartment. He can't even look at Fred when she comes to talk to him. It's really sweet of Fred to try and assure Wes that she doesn't blame him for the spell. Unfortunately, Wes still blames himself. The way he whispers, "I'm so sorry" just makes me want to cry. Poor Wes. Fred tries to tell him that he's a "good man." But, he doesn't really believe her. Fred finally leaves and he just leans against the wall sobbing. Wes is so tragic and heartbroken, that it just redefines his character. He's suddenly not the just comic relief or Angel's Wacther, Wes is now the most sympathetic character on the show. Watching him be so broken reinforces the idea that he's a strong, honorable guy who holds himself to impossible standards. It's the scene that made me love Wes.

On the down side, the domestic abuse message in this episode is a little heavy. But, it's an important topic, so I'm willing to forgive the slowish parts of "Billy." Also, why is there never any fall out from Lilah shooting Billy? I thought that his family was real powerful and all untouchable? How did she get away with killing him?

My favorite (non-Wes) part of the episode: Angel, Fred and Gunn playing video games. They're just cute.
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