Pastor Greg (2005–2008)
I agree with the above comment.
9 October 2006
Pastor, you could not have chosen your words more eloquently. I watched for five minutes and I want those minutes back. Was there some kind of malady going on with that actor? He looked as if he was suffering a brain aneurysm on camera. I have been involved with several college productions and us as a young crew had far more polished production values. I never watch these types of programs, I just stumbled across it. I even make it a point to stay away from shows on TLN and the like. However, you are right. Christians need to assemble a message that is not going to make them further targets of ridicule. If the show creators delivered a sitcom that was humorous and edifying, that is another thing. These people are more interested in entertaining themselves, friends and family and could care less about people outside that circle. Hopefully other spiritual folks will catch on and this show will dissolve into an event horizon in which it so richly deserves.
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