Review of Project X

Project X (1987)
Very Under-Appreciated
16 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like to consider myself a fairly sophisticated movie-goer, with a taste for the avant-garde, the off-beat, the groundbreaking - this movie was none of those - and a dislike for the saccharine or formulaic - this movie was both.

And yet, I would highly recommend it to anyone.

First of all, get over the fact that its billed as a family movie or chick flick or "comedy" (huh?), or that it has Matthew Broderick co-starring with monkeys. This is an extremely well-crafted film, with many of what I call "payoff scenes" - scenes that glue you to your chair, give you a thrill, or a lump in the throat, or goosebumps. For example, the scene where Bluebeard the Chimp is "flashed" in the flight chamber. The slow motion turn of the head, the look of confusion mixed with "what have you done to me?"... I defy anyone to show me a more chilling scene in any movie. Or the scene where Virgil is warning the other chimps about Bluebeard's fate. This scene alone transcends the "family comedy" genre with powerful, primal imagery.

I said, get over Matthew Broderick, but I know it's difficult, as he is the film's only distraction. Sadly, he is in over his head, in this as in any film in which he is required to play someone over 18. Sorry, Matthew, you'll always be Ferris Bueller. Not such a bad fate, when you think about it...

But then, there is Willie, the chimp who starred as "Virgil." Willie's performance will leave you wondering if Lee Strasberg ever admitted simians to his method acting school. (Please, no cracks about Brando) Now I'm sure the technique is to simply film the chimp for hours until he happens to do something usable, but whatever they did, whoever did it was a genius. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember that they give some kind of awards to animal actors; if so, I hope they gave one to Willie. He alone is worth the price of the DVD rental.

Trust me, unless you're some kind of hard-hearted Tarantino-or-nothing type, you WILL enjoy this movie immensely.
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